
] missing

I remember the first moment I met you. The moment I knew you were mine. I walked into the house where you were being cared for. I saw the box where you and your sister were. I could hear you making noise and I knew you were mine. I didn't even have to see you to know that you two were the cats for me. I loved you before I met you. I wanted to take you home right then and there, but you were too young. The moment when I did get to take you home was so exciting. We were off on this adventure of adulthood. I would not have been able to live in the condo alone. I needed you and char. I would not have survied it. The times when I was sad you were there to cuddle. The times I need to play you would fetch your "baby" for me. If there was a bug in the house you would get it. You were always a bit grumpy, but that was half your charm. You made us work for your attention, but you always loved your mama. You would fight with your sister late at night, when all I wanted to do was sleep. I wanted to throw you out a window. Now I would give anything go cuddle you one more time. To scratch that spot on your back till you made that mad face, but I knew you loved it. To have you attack my pen whenever I tried to write made me crazy too. I am sorry I was ever mad at you (even if you deserved it). I am sorry for the times you had to get shots. I am sorry you were broken and I didn't know. I wish I could have fixed your heart. I wish there was someway I could have, but I know there was nothing we could do. {pause} I am sorry I yelled at you right before the end. I waited a long time to write this in hopes that it would be easier. But I was wrong. I will forever have a Fern side hole in my heart. That will never stop hurting. Char misses you too, but she is happy not to share her food. You would be to, so you can't be too mad. You will always be my girl, my first real responsibility. You helped me grow up, but you also helped me stay a child. I love you Ferny girl. I was blessed to have known you. I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with you, but I got four more years then I should have.
kisses and cuddles.