So... The boys dads bunnies had babies. Again. This is her third litter. The parents have been separated since the first... hmmm. Powerful bunny juice! Or else someone is being sneaky... Not me. It breaks my heart every time a baby dies. The first litter had seven, I tried so hard to keep them alive that I tried feeding them... The second litter had nine, I didn't get involved because my heart couldn't take it. In this litter there are five babies. Four black and one silver one.
Here are all the babies when they were almost a week old. Their names are... Hercules is the big one. Willy is the one that first opened his eyes, we thought he was only going to have one so he was One Eyed Willy. Dot is the middle one and she has a small white dot on her back but it is fading. Teeny is the littlest black one and she is super sweet. The silver one is Louise.
Here is the mama bunny.
Me and my Teeny. She is the one we plan on keeping. She is the cuddliest!
See how cute Teeny is!
Poor puppy wants to see the babies so bad! She is trying so hard to be a good girl and quiet! Poor thing. Wait another week and you can play with them!
The babies are about two weeks old now and everybody's eyes are open and they are getting better at jumping. Too cute!