Long time since update. Shock. Picture heavy.

The cutest boy I know...

Puppy sleeping under a blanket.

Kitty Kitty Gollum in her hiding hole behind the stereo and tv.

Boy pile. Char and L.E. so close, but able to sleep.

Volenteer couch sharing by Char and L.E.

Gollum kinda sleeping and cuddling with me.

Puppy and kitty in my lap. My new short haircut! oOo

More puppy and kitty in my lap, it is here cause of the tongue.

Puppy yawn and the back of Gollum.

Char on my comp desk.

Can you spot the 3 animals?

L.E. and Lucy

L.E. and Lucy take 2

Grrr.. but not really.

Nick playing the pretty new bass, a corvette!

Pretty blue sky from when we went wine tasting after thanksgiving.


Nick in the limo, from wine tasting

more limo.

Snow that didn't stick... Sadly.

More snow!

Library pleco. Awesome camera

Battle of the Bands

Gollum and L.E. on the couch together! Without people! Shock!

We went to OMSI to see the Star Wars stuff. Lots of fun. This is the real Yoda! Wow...

Obi-Wan Kenobi costume. aww Ewan....


Boy on the spinny ride thing...

Me on the spinny ride thing... I went way faster, but didn't want to.

Star Destroyer


All three animals cuddling with me. It is hard to see the puppy.

This was going to be our Christmas card, but as you can see it didn't work out. A foot away from me is Char making a break.

Gollum is so helpful.

Wrapping present is easier when kitties help...

WOW onesie I made with felt.

Ahhh Nose!

Reindeer Dog.

The boy and the new baby! Poor scared uncle!
Labels: band, craft, fish, fuzzies, getting along, OMSI, snow, starwars, wine tasting